janos.hajas: The west beach of Galle
janos.hajas: Galle, west beach
janos.hajas: The west beach of Galle
janos.hajas: Crows at sunset in Galle
janos.hajas: Galle, west beach sunset
janos.hajas: On the beach of Galle
janos.hajas: Marine life converts to beach sand...
janos.hajas: A 3-wheeler taxi in Galle
janos.hajas: Sunday morning walk in Galle
janos.hajas: Galle, downtown
janos.hajas: Faces of Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: A face of Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: A face of Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: The smile of Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: School children, Galle / Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: School children, Galle / Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: Waiting for the sunday school, Galle
janos.hajas: Sri Lankan architecture
janos.hajas: Buddhist shrine in Galle
janos.hajas: Buddhist temple in Galle fort
janos.hajas: In the old town of Galle
janos.hajas: In the old town of Galle, Sri Lanka
janos.hajas: The dutch reformed church of Galle from 1755
janos.hajas: Downtown street in the Galle fort
janos.hajas: King coconuts, on the way to the roadside stall
janos.hajas: The power of nature
janos.hajas: A small-scale tea plantation near Galle
janos.hajas: Buddhist shrine in Welledewalaya
janos.hajas: Buddhist shrine in Welledewalaya
janos.hajas: Seaside view in Bonavistawa