VicunaR: Comfortable Airport on Mahe
VicunaR: Mouth of Mahe
VicunaR: Fish roundabout
VicunaR: Coat of arms of Seychelles
VicunaR: Seychelles flags
VicunaR: Independence House
VicunaR: Supreme Court of the Seychelles
VicunaR: Clock in Victoria inspired by Vauxhall Bridge in London
VicunaR: Seychelles Hindu Temple
VicunaR: Bel air cemetery
VicunaR: Victoria bus terminus
VicunaR: Victoria bus terminus
VicunaR: Container in Paradise
VicunaR: Anchor at the Victoria Port
VicunaR: Cat Cocos Isle of La Digue
VicunaR: Port Terminal in Victoria
VicunaR: On Board the Cat Cocos
VicunaR: Castle of the Sheiks
VicunaR: Ships in the roadsted
VicunaR: Sainte Anne Resort and Spa
VicunaR: Praslin Jetty
VicunaR: InterIslander Ferry Praslin - La Digue
VicunaR: Hotel on Praslin
VicunaR: Anse Volbert beach
VicunaR: Wedding at the sea
VicunaR: Pizzeria - also for takeaway
VicunaR: Praslin village
VicunaR: Praslin village
VicunaR: Village street at Anse Volbert
VicunaR: Boat marina at the beach