christian.dubois93: _DSC7674_GF
tofbuis: DSC_3169_DxO
tofbuis: DSC_6595_DxO
tofbuis: DSC_7396_DxO
stefano zerauschek: Trieste from Its Own Karst Ridge at Late Sunset; FVG, Italia
stefano zerauschek: The Lunar Exposure of the Lake Cerknica/Cerkniško Jezero Main Tributary; Internal Karst, Notranjska, Slovenija
stefano zerauschek: A Summer Aurora/Sunrise in the Vipava Valley; Primorska, Slovenija
immersion-nature2: chouette cheveche
J.Hunter Photography: Great Gray Owl
J.Hunter Photography: Great Gray Owl
loigerotcedric: Collés serrés
Lucas F. M.: 0P9A4746
JordanDPht: Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
JordanDPht: Stoat - Mustela erminea
JordanDPht: Eurasian Brown Bear - Ursus arctos arctos
Loïc-G: Cerf
Franck et Luca GERY: Il ne donne pas la mort, il en efface juste les traces…
koen_jacobs: Parade!
koen_jacobs: Parade!
Lucas F. M.: 0P9A3838
Lucas F. M.: 0P9A3803