Paweth (Paw Paw): #260 Sometimes I like to bend over real low and pull my granny panties up real high.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #259 A lot of people have seen my panties but it's only because I forget to zip my pants 90% of the time.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #258 I am the perfect combo of cute* and sexy**. *dumb ass **self proclaimed comedian
Paweth (Paw Paw): #257 Fake polyester should be called prollyester.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #256 I'm not saying you're an idiot. But I'm wrong a lot.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #255 Shut the fuck up before I fall in love with you.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #254 American Horror Story: Waking Up
Paweth (Paw Paw): #253 Best way to keep that spark alive is to never DM each other ever again.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #252 I’ll be laying face down in the yard if you need me.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #250 Shout out to that one dude that’s been in internet love with everyone on sl.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #249 Netflix and please don't get me pregnant.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #248 Honestly, my biggest fear about becoming a zombie is all the walking.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #247 Some of you complain about people here like there's not assholes everywhere.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #246 Yes as a matter of fact I do have to ruin everything
Paweth (Paw Paw): #245 I'm not gonna be able to come out tonight I already sat down
Paweth (Paw Paw): #244 Sure I might be a bit insecure and needy for attention sometimes but it's not like I'm dressing up as Harley Quinn for Halloween or anything
Paweth (Paw Paw): #243 But have you tried being less you
Paweth (Paw Paw): #242 I hate it when I see a drug deal happening outside my house without me
Paweth (Paw Paw): #241 When I said I was taken, I meant out of context.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #240 I talked to my dog about you guys and he agrees that you're all weird as fuck
Paweth (Paw Paw): #239 Idgaf what anyone thinks about me… -People who give a fuck what everyone thinks about em
Paweth (Paw Paw): #238 Boyfriend: Omg I feel like I'm going to die. Me: Stop flirting.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #237 Stress level: Ray Liotta watching helicopters fly over his house in “Goodfellas.”
Paweth (Paw Paw): #236 *someone goes to fist bump me and I lean in and tenderly kiss their hand*
Paweth (Paw Paw): #234 Don't you hate it when you accidentally say something dumb in a conversation and then hate yourself for the next 15 years
Paweth (Paw Paw): #233 About a year ago, I had your avi tattooed on my might find this a little odd considering we just met last week.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #232 More obscure 90's rap music references and I'll love you
Paweth (Paw Paw): #231 I’m just going wherever this serial killer documentary takes me.
Paweth (Paw Paw): #230 When I said I liked you..I never meant every day.