Cristiano Busato: Sax player
Cristiano Busato: BassPlayer
Cristiano Busato: My grandmother in 1935 at the age of twenty-two. (image restoration © Cristiano Busato, all right reserved)
Cristiano Busato: Asolano under via Browning's arcades
Cristiano Busato: Venetian moments
Cristiano Busato: When you have the soul of your face and the face of your soul
Cristiano Busato: Heather Anne Lomax live in concert (Milan, Italy)
Cristiano Busato: En Plen Air painting.
Cristiano Busato: Ispiration point
Cristiano Busato: Black&Red
Cristiano Busato: B.B. KING
Cristiano Busato: Artist improvvisation
Cristiano Busato: Heather Anne Lomax on stage
Cristiano Busato: I would like to know the music of which Luna's tail beats the measure.