chris10aaa: Ginko leaf fossil at the Scottisch National Museum
chris10aaa: Berserker at the Scottisch National Museum: Lewis chess piece
chris10aaa: Lewis chess pieces at the Scottisch National Museum
chris10aaa: Stairs: Scottisch National Museum
chris10aaa: Old (stone) arrowheads at the Scottisch National Museum
chris10aaa: Strange looking eagle: Scottisch National Museum
chris10aaa: Scottisch National Portret gallery
chris10aaa: Blue Room at the National Portret Gallery
chris10aaa: Green room at the National Portret Gallery
chris10aaa: Good to know.
chris10aaa: Gallery
chris10aaa: The 48 steps: Portret Gallery
chris10aaa: Lewis Chess Pieces at the Scottisch Museum
chris10aaa: Lewis Chess Pieces at the Scottisch Museum
chris10aaa: St Andrew: patron Saint of Scotland
chris10aaa: ‘Embroidery’ on the sarcophagus of Queen Mary
chris10aaa: St ... at the Scottisch Museum
chris10aaa: Fake! Looks so real, but is in fact plexiglass
chris10aaa: Lady figure at the Scottisch Museum
chris10aaa: Weird looking statue at the Scottsch Museum
chris10aaa: Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam. Boeddha
chris10aaa: Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam. Het leven van Boeddha.
chris10aaa: Boeddha hoofd.
chris10aaa: Boeddha reflectie
chris10aaa: Ik bid niet veur brune bonen!
chris10aaa: Galg bij de waag...?
chris10aaa: Reflectie
chris10aaa: Iraanse kunst; bord
chris10aaa: Iraanse kunst; bord met slang relief