v_ern: Cetara
florian-lother: 50 0072 Giesing
Joanbrebo: Bilbao 22_000175
marko.erman: Such a place II
CloudRipR: Glacier in the Clouds
marko.erman: The play of water, wind and sand
Slav.Burn: autumn paysage (explored)
southham: Käfer32
Mono Andes: Monument Valley
degan64: Zebra longwing
Will be mostly absent over the next week: Coming full circle (Explored)
beverlykaytw: Black-necked Stilt mirrored
kud4ipad: Four-colors landscape
Jens Schröter: Pilze im Wald
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 4 18M views): Cormorants in silhouette
Jui Jah Fari: (c) Musiker - 82 -
andreasapmihangel: Llyn Idwal
l.acbs.(gracias 6.5 millones visitas): Avoceta (Recurvirostra avosetta)
aptyche: Tagpfauenauge
aptyche: Herbst-Mosaikjungfer
_Veit_: Blast Off
enrique.campo: Cae la tarde
Phelan (Shutter Clickin) Goodman: .444 Reflection on Loch Awe
AlCapitol: USA - Utah - Moab - Corona Arches
Jeanda.60: sympétrum fascié_27
pascual_surfer: Une danseuse sur la plage - A dancer on the beach