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DSCN0687 She was way out at the far end of the lake, could barely make them out...wasn't expecting such a clear shot.
DSCN0912 NZ Wood pigeon - Kereru. As a was taking the photo I could see him blowing out his chest. In the big pine tree at the bottom of the garden..
DSCN1215 = Goldfinch...a first for my backyard. There were 2 having a good old feed on the old lavender seed heads in the pouring rain.
DSCN1663 - At 785.4mm (camera goes to 800mm wasn't expecting such a clear picture. Kingfisher looking for something to eat in the flood waters.
DSCN2883 - The sacred kingfisher is the only species native to NZ although very scarce you may come across a kokaburra