ml.skagerlund: Digitalis purpurea * Common foxglove * Digitale pourpre * Fingerhut
ml.skagerlund: Taraxacum * Dandelion
ml.skagerlund: Campanula latifolia . Especially the bumblebees love it.
ml.skagerlund: Rose, 'Therese Bugnet', after a wet night...
ml.skagerlund: Lilac, Syringa vulgaris
ml.skagerlund: Taraxacum. Dandelion
ml.skagerlund: Cirsium vulgare. Thistle.
ml.skagerlund: Cirsium vulgare. Thistle.
ml.skagerlund: LIFE AND DEATH of a pink poppy
ml.skagerlund: LIFE AND DEATH of a pink poppy
ml.skagerlund: Common Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
ml.skagerlund: If I can't see you - you can't see me 😊
ml.skagerlund: Bee in Allium
ml.skagerlund: Doftviol Smells like s p r i n g
ml.skagerlund: Turing Into Parchment Roses . . .
ml.skagerlund: Breaking free
ml.skagerlund: The orange roses , slowly drying , slowly dying . A death in grace and beauty .
ml.skagerlund: Finally free
ml.skagerlund: Sälg Salix caprea
ml.skagerlund: Iris pseudacorus. Not sure about the English name - Flag iris? And a bug in bronze armour.
ml.skagerlund: APPLE BLOSSOM
ml.skagerlund: Yellow spring Caltha palustris
ml.skagerlund: Yellow spring Ranunculus ficaria
ml.skagerlund: Yellow spring Eranthis hyemalis
ml.skagerlund: Not quite yet But soon . . .
ml.skagerlund: ANEMONE NEMOROSA