mikst: invernes now
mikst: april fool fool
mikst: April 2nd 2009
mikst: April 3rd Sunny!
mikst: moon on April 3rd
mikst: rainy morning.. April 4th
mikst: and it is slowly getting better..
mikst: sunset
mikst: things can turn out beautiful
mikst: sunny sunday
mikst: sunset
mikst: monday morning, boring mornig
mikst: sunny again
mikst: April 8th
mikst: 7AM good morning, bad morning
mikst: .. and the sun sets
mikst: departure morning
mikst: it was a beautiful weekend
mikst: hard to sit in the office on the day like this..
mikst: evening
mikst: sunny again
mikst: April 15th
mikst: good days are over...
mikst: Im back...
mikst: cloudy from morning..
mikst: a bit better in the evening
mikst: leave
mikst: back
mikst: sunny
mikst: back