salomoun1: IMG_20190426_0007
salomoun1: By the Pond I
salomoun1: By the Pond II
salomoun1: St. Nicholas Church Tower
salomoun1: In the Museum II
salomoun1: In the Museum I
salomoun1: In the Museum III
salomoun1: Angel in Winter
salomoun1: Railing Full of Colours
salomoun1: P2080284
salomoun1: Entangled
salomoun1: Towering
salomoun1: Air Race
salomoun1: A Straight One and a Stacked One
salomoun1: Smiley
salomoun1: Over the Fence
salomoun1: Finally Exit?!
salomoun1: Drinking Water Reservoir I
salomoun1: The Two Chimneys
salomoun1: The Red Spiky Wheel
salomoun1: Spectrum
salomoun1: Relic of the Old Times II
salomoun1: Still Life with Crucifix
salomoun1: Church Door
salomoun1: Still Life with a Pigeon
salomoun1: Now I Know...
salomoun1: The Pedestrian Bridge VIII
salomoun1: Water Tower
salomoun1: Transformer