wandering spirit designs: The pockets aren't perfect, a learning experience. The fabric is yarn dyed Essex linen from Robert Kaufman.
wandering spirit designs: Going by the seat of my pants, lol, have no idea if these will turn out ok. Even though she won't use them, khakis need pockets, right?
wandering spirit designs: Another big butt baby pants- love the fabric!
wandering spirit designs: Too boy-ish? I love this print and have it in a cream color way that I plan to make a dress with..later. Ha.
wandering spirit designs: Backside. She's nealy 12 weeks and this is the 6-12 month size. Room to grow.
wandering spirit designs: First pair of big butt baby pants! Made a few rookie mistakes, but not too bad for my first try.
wandering spirit designs: Muslin partially completed, the 3-6 month size may be outgrown too soon, will be going up a size when I use the intended fabrics.
wandering spirit designs: Yummy shot cottons, the brights.
wandering spirit designs: Cataloging the shot cottons, luscious colors!
wandering spirit designs: Shot cotton lovelies.
wandering spirit designs: Finished! Just needs to be washed.
wandering spirit designs: Flying solo- my first quilt without mom's help.
wandering spirit designs: Newest quilt endeavor.
wandering spirit designs: Picking thread.
wandering spirit designs: The (hot) pink pants, aka the pants that made me hate corduroy.
wandering spirit designs: Woot! One last stitch on the binding and I'll be done.
wandering spirit designs: dec 18 sewing machine wip