Evalisy: Je vais continuer à marcher à contre courant, parce qu'à contre coeur je n'y arrive pas
Evalisy: Let everything you do be done in love
Evalisy: Life begins at night
Evalisy: Every girl has that one person she has a crush on forever
Evalisy: Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be
Evalisy: The curse of the living is that they can't tell you the secrets of the dead - Outlander
Evalisy: When you're 30 and still having fun watching soap bubbles
Evalisy: “I believe in the flesh and the appetites; Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.” Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
Evalisy: *Mad'moiselle* Romy is coming
Evalisy: The best therapy is taking a break from routine
Evalisy: *Mad'moiselle* Gaëlle
Evalisy: No matter how sexy i can be or not when i lose the more important of my femininity
Evalisy: Mad'moiselle Mado
Evalisy: Mad'moiselle Larisa
Evalisy: Leaving reality for few hours
Evalisy: Snow day, winter walk
Evalisy: I have a weakness for you
Evalisy: One day can change everything
Evalisy: In the attic of my mind is where my darkest secret lie low. Dusty words, long left unspoken, stay hidden. Burdens of the past and fears of all my tomorrows seek refuge. Isolated but centered, i turn within to make peace, to make amends, to make sense.
Evalisy: Sometimes, i need a break. In a beautiful place. Alone. To figure everything out
Evalisy: Make me feel alive again
Evalisy: A croquer
Evalisy: Nawak
Evalisy: Yes i am an independent woman, i prefer to earn it, it makes me appreciate it more
Evalisy: *Mad'moiselle* Melye
Evalisy: It doesn't matter that there is no future as long my present is with you
Evalisy: No me llores, no, porque si lloras yo peno. En cambio si tu me cantas yo siempre vivo y nunca muero
Evalisy: Pleasure in perspective
Evalisy: We do it properly
Evalisy: I witness the darkness and call on the light with my prayer: Thank you Universe, for guiding me to perceive this fear through the eyes of the teacher of love