Veronique Stewart: Definitely a good joke told there, Fulmars.
Veronique Stewart: Well if nobody wants this luxury accommodation, its mine, can you believe this,could not guess the height of this rock pinnacle and how it got there, Herriing Gull enjoying the good life, Bempton Cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: Kittiwake.
Veronique Stewart: Bempton Cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: Beach, Bempton Cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: Razorbills, Bempton Cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: Coltsfoot, Bempton cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: Arabis (Hairy Rock Cress) Bempton cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: No room here, high flying Gannet, Bempton cliffs
Veronique Stewart: Don't look round we have company, Gannet and friends.
Veronique Stewart: Razorbills, Bempton cliffs.
Veronique Stewart: We came across this beautiful church set in this wonderful woodland setting, All Saints, Roos, East Yorkshire
Veronique Stewart: Found this tomb in the graveyard, very unusual to see one, must have been a person of importance (maybe).
Veronique Stewart: Saint Mary's church, Beverley, East Yorkshire.
Veronique Stewart: We came across this beautiful church set in this wonderful woodland setting, All Saints, Roos, East Yorkshire
Veronique Stewart: We came across this beautiful church set in this wonderful woodland setting, All Saints, Roos, East Yorkshire
Veronique Stewart: Guillemots, Bempton cliffs, East Yorkshire.
Veronique Stewart: We came across this beautiful church set in this wonderful woodland setting, All Saints, Roos, East Yorkshire
Veronique Stewart: Red Mason Bee success in bee boxes, testing the weather and decided not today too cold. My garden.