rustyproof: Lotus pond, Siem Reap
rustyproof: Bullock cart, Siem Reap, 2008
rustyproof: Stagnant pond, Cambodia
rustyproof: Bookstore, Siem Reap, 2008
rustyproof: Angkor Wat through the trees
rustyproof: Silk scarves, Siem Reap, 2008
rustyproof: Floating village, Tonle Sap, 2008
rustyproof: Foreign Correspondents Club, Siem Reap, 2008
rustyproof: Angkor Wat from the air
rustyproof: Stagnant pond, Cambodia
rustyproof: Farmland, central Cambodia
rustyproof: Pre Rup temple from the air
rustyproof: Pre Rup temple, Angkor
rustyproof: Gathering grass, Cambodia
rustyproof: Beng Mealea temple, Angkor