Bobchofos: 70014 - 4O95 Leeds to Southampton
Bobchofos: 56105 0F55 Doncaster C.H.S. to Nottingham Eastcroft
Bobchofos: 56087 0K39 Doncaster to Pinnox Esso Siding
Bobchofos: 70803 Wakefield Westgate
Bobchofos: 56090/113 6C84 Holloway Sth. to Belmont Dn Yd
Bobchofos: 70015 4O95 Leeds to Southampton
Bobchofos: 56094 6M80 Grangemouth to Sinfin Sdgs
Bobchofos: 70017 6G65 Hope (Earles) to Walsall
Bobchofos: 70812 0M36 0910 Toton to Carlisle
Bobchofos: 70010 4E91 Southampton M.C.T. to Leeds F.L.T.
Bobchofos: 70016 4M95 Southampton to Trafford Park
Bobchofos: 70803/70805 Doncaster to Bescot Up Sdgs
Bobchofos: 0C84 0745 Nottingham Eastcroft to Carlisle N.Y. 56096 l
Bobchofos: 610L 1005 Colas Ribble Rail to Lindsey Oil Refinery Colas Class70 70812
Bobchofos: class 70 70810 through Sth Wingfield
Bobchofos: 56105 passing Shipley
Bobchofos: 70002/70004 4E91 Southampton to Leeds
Bobchofos: 56113 appraoches Alfreton
Bobchofos: 70812/70810 Colas
Bobchofos: 56049 Crewe to Longport Pinnox
Bobchofos: 57307 watches 56049 runs around wagons
Bobchofos: 57307 watches 56049 runs around wagons
Bobchofos: 70017 4E91 0350 Southampton to Leeds
Bobchofos: 56113 approaching Alfreton
Bobchofos: 56032 , 69002
Bobchofos: 56032, ex66048, 69002 , 08784
Bobchofos: 56201 (56009 blue), 56077 on left
Bobchofos: Colas 66849/70809 approach Derby
Bobchofos: 70809 Colas log train
Bobchofos: Colas Class70 70807