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DNC by Doug X
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Doug X
RATM Leading up the protest...
Doug X
RATM at IVAW Protest, Denver
Doug X
Rage Against the Machine
Doug X
RATM at a march in Denver, 8/27/08
Doug X
IVAW March
Doug X
IVAW March
Doug X
Denver DNC Demonstrators
Doug X
Ron Paul guy at DNC, Denver
Doug X
IVAW Protest
Doug X
IVAW protest nears the Pepsi Center
Doug X
Riot Gear Cops
Doug X
IVAW Protest Near Its End
Doug X
Police State Guy
Doug X
IVAW Member interviewed
Doug X
The Holy Ghost talks to Hippie Chick
Doug X
Everything For Everyone
Doug X
Hillary Souvenir Vendor
Doug X
Funky Tank Looking
Doug X
Cop Tower above freedom cage
Doug X
Another cop tower near the freedom cage
Doug X
Michelle Malkin
Doug X
Perimeter Cops
Doug X
Occasional McCain Supporter
Doug X
Union Station
Doug X
Convention Center Entrance
Doug X
Fancy Bike Guy
Doug X
Send Bush/Cheney to The Hague
Doug X
Re-create '68 - Feel The Energy
Doug X
"I put on my robe and wizard hat..."
Doug X
Guarding the Mint
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