basssinger23: IMG_6233-1
basssinger23: The frog sat still for only one shot, glad it was in focus...
basssinger23: Was shooting one when the other landed nearby...
basssinger23: I wonder where these guys go when the hurricane comes.
basssinger23: Send halp...
basssinger23: Seven-legged spider named Lucky...
basssinger23: Perched...
basssinger23: Red Paper Wasp nest...
basssinger23: Was chasing bees and this guy was sitting right in front of my face...
basssinger23: Take shelter where you can, I suppose...
basssinger23: "No, YOU'RE upside down."
basssinger23: Looking out over the water...
basssinger23: Bizzy...
basssinger23: I post a lot of bees...
basssinger23: Having a sip...
basssinger23: Nothing to see but us stalks...
basssinger23: Venusta Orchard Spider, I think...
basssinger23: Spiny Orb-Weaver.
basssinger23: Hanging on...
basssinger23: Eastern Pondhawk...
basssinger23: Here have another dragonfly...
basssinger23: I'm told this is an Assassin Bug nymph...
basssinger23: Ignoring me completely. Must be a good flower.
basssinger23: Gulf Fritillary
basssinger23: Hangin' around...
basssinger23: Hold it together man...
basssinger23: Yellow Garden Spider
basssinger23: Weather wasn't cooperative this weekend but I got a little work done.
basssinger23: Possibly a Hentz Orb-Weaver but I'm not certain.
basssinger23: Just chillin' on a leaf...