Mike's Toy Story: In dungeon...
Mike's Toy Story: Explore the dungeon..
Mike's Toy Story: In deep forest with spiders...
Mike's Toy Story: To be, or not to be...
Mike's Toy Story: Exploring the dungeons...
Mike's Toy Story: To seek something in forest...
Mike's Toy Story: Waiting for the dish..
Mike's Toy Story: Shana rests in the tavern..
Mike's Toy Story: Waiting in the tavern...
Mike's Toy Story: In the tavern...
Mike's Toy Story: Spending time with a glass of wine..
Mike's Toy Story: Hi, may you join? What do you like to drink?
Mike's Toy Story: Do not wake up the owl!
Mike's Toy Story: Snakes in the kitchen..
Mike's Toy Story: Snakes.. snakes everywhere!
Mike's Toy Story: Sneaking under the walls of the fortress..
Mike's Toy Story: Crawling in the murk dungeons..
Mike's Toy Story: Hungry Ghoul on a hunt..
Mike's Toy Story: Twang of the swords resounds like a dark music..
Mike's Toy Story: Attack of the ghoul! Fight Shana!
Mike's Toy Story: The return of Shana, She-wolf!
Mike's Toy Story: Shana the brave!
Mike's Toy Story: Unexpected meeting..
Mike's Toy Story: Just like in the old days..
Mike's Toy Story: Winter has come...
Mike's Toy Story: Winter time!
Mike's Toy Story: Tarn the brave dog of Shana!
Mike's Toy Story: Alone in the midst of a snowy land..
Mike's Toy Story: Flash of the sword among the snow..