Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Close to Mykonos
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - site map
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - ancient city ruins
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Ancient city ruins
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Main Street
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - 106
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - recovered artifacts
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - ancient pillars of a temple
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - mosaic floor
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - ancient ruins
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - column top
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - prominent citizen home
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Cistern
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Theatre seats
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - framing
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - pillars and mosaic pool bottom
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Ancient living quarters
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - ruins of ancient homes
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - artifacts
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - 02
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - 01
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - Sailing by the Island
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - 13
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - old guardians
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - 10
Wayne, the sailor: Delos Greece - 09