spindle and shuttle:
Toss the Shuttle w/Buttonbox
spindle and shuttle:
This Pup Needs a Sweater!
spindle and shuttle:
Coconut Trees
spindle and shuttle:
Lotsa Coconuts!
spindle and shuttle:
Bird on the Beach
spindle and shuttle:
Trillium Along Gans Creek
spindle and shuttle:
spindle and shuttle:
True Blue
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Group Shot
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Dutchmen's Breeches
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Not-So-Mellow Yellow
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spindle and shuttle:
May Apple Mayhem
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Trout Lily
spindle and shuttle:
Pantaloon Close-up
spindle and shuttle:
One More Bluebell Pic
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Angora/Alpaca Yarn
spindle and shuttle:
The Pond 6 July 09
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Vegetable Bounty
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Aunt Ginny's Purple
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Red Burgundy Okra
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Fabulous Four O'Clocks
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Fish Pepper & A Zinnia
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L. ochropurpurea
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Laccaria ochropurpurea
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Comet in Missouri
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Inonotus dryadeus
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Weeping Oak Conks
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Lycoperdon pyriforme
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A New Day Dawning