Tucki 46: "Les Choses" Exhibition @Le Louvre
Tucki 46: Baguenaude colorée
Tucki 46: Black and White, red (colors?) / Noir et Blanc, rouge (couleurs ?).
Tucki 46: Moving feet, Living Feet
Tucki 46: For ever
Tucki 46: Orion
Tucki 46: Laurent Perbos experience
Tucki 46: And then ! I woke up.
Tucki 46: Finally, there were a few people at this exhibition ! ;-) / Il y avait un peu de monde à cette exposition, finalement ;-)
Tucki 46: La Hunaudaye
Tucki 46: La condition Humaine / Human Condition
Tucki 46: Alsatian’s Pleasure