Loop van Dike: Sea Life
Loop van Dike: Feeding Time
Loop van Dike: A bereavement in the family. Ein Trauerfall in der Familie.
Loop van Dike: Stag beetles in deciduous forest.Hirschkäfer im Laubwald
Loop van Dike: Grasshopper. Grashüpfer
Loop van Dike: The fly in the garden. Die Fliege lm Garten.
Loop van Dike: Butterfly
Loop van Dike: Oktopus
Loop van Dike: DRAGON-Fly
Loop van Dike: My house spider on the balcony
Loop van Dike: Collect mushrooms in the forest
Loop van Dike: Mushrooms
Loop van Dike: Caterpillar with the name red tail which is just about to build into a cocoon.
Loop van Dike: Caterpillar
Loop van Dike: Dust mushroom family
Loop van Dike: Ruby Tiger Zimtbär
Loop van Dike: A short visit has never hurt
Loop van Dike: Mushroom couple
Loop van Dike: Strubbelkopf tube.
Loop van Dike: The last mushrooms for this year
Loop van Dike: It is always an advantage to get an overview