peter.tully64: To contemplate... 42
peter.tully64: Watching the Watcher
peter.tully64: Where to next
peter.tully64: A Military Shepherd
peter.tully64: Comfortable assurance
peter.tully64: Patiently Waiting
peter.tully64: Where the Hell is “Here”
peter.tully64: Ageless contrast
peter.tully64: Reflection in the round
peter.tully64: Shine on
peter.tully64: Anorak?
peter.tully64: It's all about the mug...
peter.tully64: Because somthings belong
peter.tully64: Burtons Man
peter.tully64: Ridiculously Wide
peter.tully64: Wider
peter.tully64: An unsual sight in the Coquet Valley
peter.tully64: Contrast
peter.tully64: A Splash of colour in a drab world
peter.tully64: Just Driving
peter.tully64: Against the deep blue sky....
peter.tully64: Some say that the new Bond Villian has already been cast.
peter.tully64: "These are not the Droids you are looking for"
peter.tully64: Good to go.
peter.tully64: Just looking
peter.tully64: Moving off
peter.tully64: When Camouflage Works
peter.tully64: Caught in the act...
peter.tully64: It's the Three Nations