riekes.nices: Pantha & Akito
riekes.nices: Usedom-Beach
Sonja Hahn: Stuttgarts wilde Papageien
Nikonfan-Fotografie: Blaubussard
helenehoffman: Giraffe Close-Up
Noodles Photo: Weißkopfseeadler - Bald Eagle
boma73: Pair of little owls
ToddLahman: Baby Tapir
ToddLahman: Schmidt's Spot-Nosed Guenon
ToddLahman: Koala
ToddLahman: Winston
Gabi FK: Pssst... wir werden beobachtet / Pssst ... we are being watched
Gabi FK: Meine erste Sumpfmeise oder doch Weidenmeise *überleg*
Gabi FK: Ringelnattern.../grass snake...
ashockenberry: Red-eyed Tree Frog
joergpeterjunk: Tierpark Köthen (Anhalt), Blauer Ohrfasan
Wildlife Paparazzi: AIMG_8727a-1
Bill Varney: Bad Hair Day
claudialohmanns: Lannerfalke
T L Sepkovic: Red-tailed Hawk
Mel.Rick: Schnute
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza: Attack- Phase 2
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza: Ooomygoooodddd!!!
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza: Two nice faces!
Alberto Ghizzi Panizza: Mantis painter
Eric Gofreed: Black-chinned Hummingbird (female)
Howard Kearley Photography: The Normal from a very wet and windy Scotland.
JEO126: Beach yoga