petrafluffy: _DSC1633
petrafluffy: Below the beans
petrafluffy: It was lovely n' sunny when I set up the chair outside
petrafluffy: Steaming must be cold but I'm lovely n' warm in my velvet & angora
petrafluffy: Hi there
petrafluffy: Got some more wine coming tonight, thought I'd crack this one open now
petrafluffy: Just put the heating on, care to join me
petrafluffy: Hi there - 6/1/19
petrafluffy: putting out more fat/nut/seed/fruit filled yogurt pots for the birds
petrafluffy: In between snow showers
petrafluffy: More cheese for the birds & a bit of welly/leg for you in my snowy garden
petrafluffy: Clearing snow off my garden path
petrafluffy: Morning folks
petrafluffy: well wrapped up though
petrafluffy: Noticed the sun had come out & the snows mostly gone