{{Timaaj}}: Everything will be ok....hang in there a little more (hugs)
{{Timaaj}}: [Hypnotization]
{{Timaaj}}: D R E A M E R
{{Timaaj}}: C E L E B R A T E
{{Timaaj}}: P R E C I O U S
{{Timaaj}}: A N O I N T I N G
{{Timaaj}}: Friday Evening Kitchen
{{Timaaj}}: Shelter
{{Timaaj}}: Be there...
{{Timaaj}}: Simple everyday things makes our hearts warm...
{{Timaaj}}: D.E.S.T.I.N.Y
{{Timaaj}}: Call out my name...
{{Timaaj}}: [Spaces]
{{Timaaj}}: Spring
{{Timaaj}}: Fishing Village
{{Timaaj}}: A night out....
{{Timaaj}}: One for the road....
{{Timaaj}}: Breakfast by the river
{{Timaaj}}: Keep Wake
{{Timaaj}}: Silence
{{Timaaj}}: A weekend away...
{{Timaaj}}: ...deal with it!
{{Timaaj}}: Vintage Summer
{{Timaaj}}: Chasing dreams
{{Timaaj}}: Lunch by the river
{{Timaaj}}: Cottage Life!
{{Timaaj}}: Search for yourself everyday