msjenkins59: Beautiful Dora and Dan at a party at house of Anne and Jack Schering (sister and brother-in-law) in Cincinatti, Ohio. Jack Schering worked for Bausch and Lomb.
msjenkins59: Dan and Dora, wedding day, Aug. 1, 1941
msjenkins59: Family at Jenkins house 3615 BlueBonnet, Houston, TX.
msjenkins59: Gume, Ana, Tommy
msjenkins59: Tommy and Billy
msjenkins59: Dan in Galveston with seawall in background
msjenkins59: Mama Coy, Ana, Dora Ann
msjenkins59: Roy and Dora Ann in the Valley
msjenkins59: Granddaddy, Mama Coy, Gloria and probably Tommy as an infant
msjenkins59: Gloria with Tommy and Billy
msjenkins59: Gume with kids
msjenkins59: Dora and Ana in Wisconsin where Gume trained in anesthesiology for a year.
msjenkins59: Gume and Ana
msjenkins59: Dan with his mother Annie Finley Jenkins
msjenkins59: Dan in Michigan
msjenkins59: Dora, Choy, Dan
msjenkins59: Dan, Gume, Ana and Tommy
msjenkins59: Mama Coy with Tommy
msjenkins59: Dan and Dora Ann
msjenkins59: Grandaddy
msjenkins59: Grandaddy and Dora
msjenkins59: Gume and Ana in Wisconsin where Gume trained in anesthesiology for a year.
msjenkins59: Dora on horseback, Mama Coy in back
msjenkins59: Granddaddy, Dora, Ana, Mama Coy
msjenkins59: Jeje, Choy, Dan at Cabin
msjenkins59: Dora outside her rooming house in Galveston
msjenkins59: Dan with kids. Bobby Wilkins in middle with Tommy to the left and Billy to the right.
msjenkins59: Ana outside rooming house in Galveston that Dora lived in.