Ajsha L.: Peacock butterfly
Ajsha L.: Dinnertime
Ajsha L.: That summer feeling
Ajsha L.: Summer Joy
Ajsha L.: The Other Side
Ajsha L.: V for Victory
Ajsha L.: Happiness is a butterfly
Ajsha L.: Desirable guest in my garden
Ajsha L.: Grizzled skipper
Ajsha L.: Spread your wings
Ajsha L.: Common blue butterfly
Ajsha L.: Catching some sunlight
Ajsha L.: Common Brimstone
Ajsha L.: Common blue butterfly
Ajsha L.: Pieris brassicae
Ajsha L.: Today's butterfly
Ajsha L.: Nymphalis antiopa
Ajsha L.: That Summer Feeling
Ajsha L.: Small tortoiseshell
Ajsha L.: Common blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus)
Ajsha L.: Painted lady
Ajsha L.: Small Copper
Ajsha L.: Spread Your Wings
Ajsha L.: Vanessa atalanta
Ajsha L.: Polyommatus icarus
Ajsha L.: Peacock butterfly
Ajsha L.: Wall Brown
Ajsha L.: Summer Joy
Ajsha L.: Common brimstone
Ajsha L.: Pieris brassicae (cabbage butterfly)