Tim Doling: "Huế - Phủ Cam Cathedral" in the early 20th century and the same view of Ngô Viết Thụ's 1960s elegant replacement today (29 March 2016)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Palais de la Délégation apostolique de l'Indo-Chine in 1930, and the Huế branch office of the Lovers of the Holy Cross (Hội Dòng Mến Thánh Huế Cộng Đoàn Khâm Mạng) at 1/16 Đặng Huy Trứ today (4 September 2016)
Tim Doling: "Hué - Pagode Bao-Quoc" in the colonial era and the main gate of Báo Quốc Pagoda today (10 November 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - The original 1902 Phủ Cam Cathedral designed by Bishop Eugène Marie Allys pictured in colonial times and its modern replacement by architect Ngô Viết Thụ today (30 June 2016)
Tim Doling: "Huế - La Pagode de la Sorcière, vue générale" (Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué, 4, 1915) and the same view today of the Hòn Chén Temple (Điện Hòn Chén) ttoday (7 November 2018)
Tim Doling: "Huế - L'ancien pont de An-Cựu, situé sur la Route Mandarine, à 2 kil. au Sud de la Capitale" (Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué 4, 1939) and the An Cựu Bridge today (28 November 2018)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Cathédrale de Phủ-Cam," the first Phủ Cam Cathedral, built in 1898-1902 and its modern replacement, built (and rebuilt) between 1963 and 1995 to a design by Ngô Viết Thụ (29 December 2018)
Tim Doling: Hué, 1930s – An Định Palace main gate (Cổng cung An Định) in the era of Emperor Bảo Đại and the same view today (16 January 2019)
Tim Doling: Huế - Inauguration of the Palais de la Délégation apostolique de l'Indo-Chine by the Holy See on 3 June 1930 (Les Missions catholique, 1930), and the Lovers of the Holy Cross at 1/16 Đặng Huy Trứ (4 September 2016)
Tim Doling: "Huế 1920-1929 - Riche habitation sur les bords du canal Phu-Cam," and the An Định Palace (Cung An Định 安定宮) at 181 Phan Ðình Phùng today (17 November 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - Tường Vân Pagoda main gate, 1990s postcard image, and the same view at 137 Trần Thái Tông today (1 November 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế, 1920-1929 - Villa royale sur les bords du canal de Phu-Cam," and the An Định Palace (Cung An Định 安定宮) at 181 Phan Ðình Phùng today, taken from the south side of the An Cựu river (13 March 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế 1920-1929 - Pont de l'avenue de Monseigneur d'Adran sur le canal de Phu-Cam" and the same bridge today viewed from the Phan Đình Phùng and Nguyễn Trường Tộ street junction (26 October 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế (Annam) - Église Phu-Cam," originally built in 1898-1902 to a design by Bishop Eugène-Marie Allys, and its modern replacement, built (and rebuilt) between 1963 and 1995 to a design by Ngô Viết Thụ (16 November 2019)
Tim Doling: Huế - "Annam - Hue - La Gare" in the colonial period and today (20 July 2016)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Phủ Cam Cathedral" in the early 20th century and the same view of Ngô Viết Thụ's 1960s elegant replacement today (29 March 2016)
Tim Doling: Huế, 1968 - Ngô Đình Khả Mausoleum, last resting place of Michel Ngô Đình Khả (1850-1925), father of first RVN President, Ngô Đình Diệm, by François Sully; and the same mausoleum today, near Phủ Cam Cathedral (26 February 2020)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Từ Đàm Pagoda (Chùa Từ Đàm)," Mike McDermott Collection, Texas Tech University, and the same entrance gate on Sư Liễu Quán street today (25 July 2020)
Tim Doling: "Huế, 1940s - Le pont An-Cuu," and the same view today of the modern An Cựu Bridge (Cầu An Cựu) (19 August 2020)
Tim Doling: Annam - Huế - Cathédrale de Phủ-Cam, and the same view today of Phủ Cam Cathedral from Nguyễn Trường Tộ street (2 December 2020)
Tim Doling: Huế, 1967 - Từ Đàm Pagoda, photo by Michael Tolle; and the same pagoda today at 1 Sư Liễu Quán, Phường Trường An, Huế (23 December 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Hué - Pagode Báo-Quốc" in the colonial era and the main gate of Báo Quốc Pagoda today (1 January 2022)
Tim Doling: Huế, March 2016 - Old villa in the compound of Trần Phú High School (Trường THCS Trần Phú) at 61 Hàm Nghi; and the same location recently, apparently earmarked for demolition (17 September 2022)