Tim Doling: "Huế - Pavillon des Édits" in the colonial era and today (17 October 2017)
Tim Doling: Huế - Trường Tiền Bridge in the 1960s (Tommy Carver Collection - Vietnam Center and Archive) and today (5 January 2018)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Rue Paul-Bert" in the 1940s and Trần Hưng Đạo street today (23 July 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - ARVN Marines in front of the Citadel in 1972 (photographer unknown) and the same view today (18 June 2017)
Tim Doling: "Hué, 1930 – Observatoire sur les remparts de la Citadelle" (Fonds Sogny-Marien), and the same Royal Observatory (Quan Tượng Đài) today (22 August 2017)
Tim Doling: "Hué, 1938 – La pharmacie Imbert, rue Paul Bert" (Fonds Desmarets) and the Phú Xuân Bookshop at 131 Trần Hưng Đạo today (10 May 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Pont Thành-Thái," built between May 1899 and October 1900 by Schneider et Letellier, and the same view of the Trường Tiền Bridge today (7 October 2017)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế, 1938 - Irving R Stebbins and family with caravan" (photo by Christian and Missionary Alliance) and the same three-entrance gateway to the Tòa Thương Bạc pavilion on Trần Hưng Đạo street today (26 June 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế, 1920-1929 - Phu-Van-Lau" and the Phu Văn Lâu 敷文楼 or “Pavilion of Edicts” today (10 July 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Mirador VIII" in the early 1920s, and the same view of the Cửa Đông Nam 東南門 (Southeast Gate) of Huế Citadel today (24 August 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế, 1966 - City Gate by Nowell Nelms," and the Citadel's Southeast Gate (Cửa Đông Nam 東南门) today viewed from Đinh Tiên Hoàng street (21 September 2019)
Tim Doling: "Hué, 1936 – Entrée du pont Clemenceau, rive gauche" (Fonds Desmarets) and the same Trường Tiền Bridge-Trần Hưng Đạo street junction today (11 October 2019)
Tim Doling: Annam - Huế - "La stele du Quốc-Tử-Giám," from Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Huế, 1917-4, and the same stele today (19 October 2019)
Tim Doling: Huế - Cửa Đông Nam (“Southeast Gate”), popularly known as Cửa Thượng Tứ, on 13 March 1968 by Central Press-Hulton Archive-Getty Images, and the same view today (30 October 2019)
Tim Doling: Annam - Hué, 1936 - Rive gauche - Portique du Thuong-Bac (Fonds Desmarets), and the same view today of the main gate of the Thương Bạc Park (Công viên Thương Bạc) (23 October 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Hué - Portique d'entrée du jardin Bao-Daï," and the same view today of the three-entrance gate leading into the Tòa Thương Bạc pavilion, inaugurated by Emperor Bảo Đại in 1936 (18 December 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế, 1968 - Temple in favorite park along the Hue River" by Hal Littman, and the same view today of the Nghinh Lương Đình 迎涼亭 Royal boathouse pavilion, originally built in 1852, rebuilt in 1918 and completely restored in 2017-2018 (29 April 2020)
Tim Doling: "Huế, 1950s - Direction de l'Information du Central Việt-Nam," and at the samer location today Phương Nam Bookstore at 133 Trần Hưng Đạo (12 September 2020)
Tim Doling: Huế, 1966 - Thừa Thiên Information Office (Ty Thông Tin Thừa Thiên) by Ted Dexter, and Phương Nam Bookstore at 47 Trần Hưng Đạo today (7 October 2020)
Tim Doling: Huế, late colonial period - Mirador VIII, the Cửa Đông Nam 東南門 Southeast Gate of the Imperial City, apparently following a restoration, and the same view today (14 April 2021)
Tim Doling: Phú Xuân, 1755-1759 - "Palais principal du Roy," from "Plan d'une partie des côtes de la Cochinchine, 1787" and the same view today on the North bank of the Hương River east of Phú Xuân Bridge (24 December 2021)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Hué - Portique d'entrée du jardin Bao-Daï;" and the same view today of the gateway leading to Công viên Thương Bạc, viewed from Đinh Tiên Hoàng street (19 June 2022)
Tim Doling: Huế, 1930s - Cercle sportif, viewed from the north bank of the Hương River; and the same view today (24 December 2022)
Tim Doling: Huế, 1966-1967 - Hưng Đạo Cinema designed by Tôn Thất Quỳnh Tiêu; and Huế City Cultural Centre (Trung tâm Văn hóa Thành phố Huế) at 65 Trần Hưng Đạo today (25 March 2023)
Tim Doling: Huế 1966-1967 - Trần Hưng Đạo-Phan Bội Châu street junction by TommyJapan1; and the same Trần Hưng Đạo-Phan Đăng Lưu street junction today (4 February 2023)
Tim Doling: Huế, 6 March 1968 - "Battle-weary US Marines take a rest in Hue, South Vietnam,"And the same view today looking towards đường Trần Hưng Đạo from the Trường Tiền Bridge access road (30 March 2024)
Tim Doling: Huế, 1964, Lonnie M Long Collection - Vietnam Center and Archive, showing the Cửa Đông Nam (Cửa Thượng Tứ), the southeast gate of Huế Citadel; and the same view today (20 April 2024)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Pavillon des Edicts;" and the same view today of the Phu Văn Lâu 敷文楼 or “Pavilion of Edicts” on Lê Duẩn street today (2 March 2024)