Tim Doling: Huế - Royal elephants outside the Viện Cơ Mật (equivalent to a Privy Council) in colonial times, and the same three-entrance gate of the Huế Monuments Preservation Centre (Trung tâm Bảo tồn Di tích Cố đô Huế) at 23 Tống Duy Tân today (17 April 2016)
Tim Doling: Huế - The former Viện Cơ Mật building at 23 Tống Duy Tân, now the head office of the Huế Monuments Preservation Centre (11 April 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Portique d'Entrée au palais du Cô Mat" and the same view of the main gate of the former Viện Cơ Mật building at 23 Tống Duy Tân, now the office of the Huế Monuments Preservation Centre (9 April 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế – "Porte d'Entrée du Palais du Comat, Hué" in the colonial era and the same view today inside the Huế Monuments Conservation Office compound (28 May 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế – Entrée du Musée Khai-Dinh" (Fonds Sogny-Marien) and the main gate of the Huế Royal Antiquities Museum at 3 Lê Trực today (8 July 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - Ecran devant le Palais du Comat (screen in front of the Viện Cơ Mật or Council of Ministers building) and the same view today within this compound which is now occupied by the Huế Monuments Conservation Centre (5 March 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế – The Long An Palace, which in 1923 became the Musée Khai-Dinh and is now the Huế Royal Fine Arts Museum (23 April 2016)
Tim Doling: Huế - Quốc Tử Giám - Monumental gateway, BAVH 1917-1, and the same view today of the gateway, stele and Đốc Học Đường, now part of the Thừa Thiên-Huế History Museum (17 December 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế 1961 - Soldiers outside the Hiển Nhơn Gate (Cửa Hiển Nhơn) of the Imperial City by Wilbur E Garrett, and the same view today (2 January 2019)
Tim Doling: Huế - The Viện Cơ Mật 基密院 or Council of Ministers compound in the 1920s, today the Huế Monuments Conservation Centre at 23 Tống Duy Tân (25 January 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Le Quốc Tử Giám, salle Di Luân," BAVH 1917-4, and the same view today of the main Di Luận Đường building of Quốc Tử Giám royal college, currently home to the Thừa Thiên-Huế History Museum at 1 Đường 23/9 (8 February 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Hué - 'Le 'Noi Vu' [Nội Vụ Môn 內務門], porte du Trésor du Palais" in the early 20th century, and the same view today of the Hiển Nhơn Gate (Hiển Nhơn Môn 顯仁門) (17 August 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế, 1968 - Tôn Nhơn Phủ" (photographer unknown - cám ơn Trần Văn Dũng) and the same location today in Nguyễn Văn Trỗi Park (Công Viên Nguyễn Văn Trỗi), in the eastern sector of Huế Citadel (21 August 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế, 1930s - Canal de Hue," and the same view of the Đông Ba Canal (Sông Đông Ba) today (1 February 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Une des portes de Huế donnant accès à la Citadelle," and the same view today looking east along Mai Thúc Loan street towards the Cửa Chính Đông 正東門 (“Due East Gate”) of the Citadel (22 July 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Le Quốc Tử Giám - Une des salles de classe," BAVH 4, 1917, and the former Quốc Tử Giám royal college compound today, currently Thừa Thiên-Huế History Museum at 1 Đường 23/9 (8 August 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Écran devant le Palais du Comat," and the bình phong screen of the former Viện Cơ Mật 基密院 (Council of Ministers), now Huế Monuments Conservation Centre at 23 Tống Duy Tân (26 August 2020)
Tim Doling: Huế, 8 May 1972 - "Citadel bracing for defense" (photographer unknown), and the same three-entrance gate of the Huế Monuments Preservation Centre today at 23 Tống Duy Tân today (7 November 2020)
Tim Doling: Annam - Huế - Viện Cơ Mật (Council of Ministers), and (taken in heavy rain) the rebuilt structure today, currently serving as the Huế Monuments Preservation Centre at 23 Tống Duy Tân (21 November 2020)
Tim Doling: Annam - Huế, 1918 - Phủ Tôn Nhơn main hall, and the same location today in Nguyễn Văn Trỗi Park (Công Viên Nguyễn Văn Trỗi) in the eastern sector of Huế Citadel
Tim Doling: Annam - Huế - Porte Hiển Nhơn, the Hiển Nhơn Môn 顯仁門 east gate of the Imperial City, and the same view today (7 April 2021)
Tim Doling: Huế - Quốc Tử Giám - Les Propylées (BAVH 1917, 1) and the same view today of the gateway, stele and Đốc Học Đường, currently part of the Thừa Thiên-Huế History Museum (3 April 2021)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế, 1920-1929 - Palais du Cơ Mật" showing the former Viện Cơ Mật building and the subsequently rebuilt structure on the same site at 23 Tống Duy Tân today, now the Huế Monuments Preservation Centre (23 June 2021)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Éléphants s'agenouillant, faisant les laïs en passant devant le Palais du Comat," and the main gate of the former Viện Cơ Mật 基密院 or Council of Ministers today, currently Huế Monuments Conservation Centre at 23 Tống Duy Tân (26 May 2021)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Ecran devant le Palais du Comat" (screen in front of the Viện Cơ Mật or Council of Ministers building); and the same view today within this compound which is now occupied by the Huế Monuments Conservation Centre (12 March 2022)