Tim Doling: Huế - "Allée des portiques de Bronze conduisant au tombeau de Tieu-Tri" and the same view of the bridges leading to the tomb enclosure of Emperor Thiệu Trị's Xương Lăng mausoleum today (17 January 2017)
Tim Doling: Huế - View of the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiêu Trị across the Nhuận Trạch Lake in the early 20th century and the same view today (19 June 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Cours et Pagode au tombeau de Thieu-Tri" and the same view of the Emperor Thiệu Trị Mausoleum today with an empty space where the Đức Hinh Pavilion (Lầu Đức Hinh) once stood (16 July 2017)
Tim Doling: Huế - The Salutation Court in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị, with its honour guard of stone horses, elephants and mandarins, and the same view of the mausoleum today, awaiting extensive restoration (28 June 2018)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Tombeau de Thieu-Tri" in the colonial era and the same view today of the platform where the Đức Hinh Pavilion once stood, viewed from the tomb enclosure in Emperor Thiệu Trị's Xương Lăng mausoleum (5 May 2018)
Tim Doling: "Huế - A colonial image of the lost Đức Hinh Pavilion (Lầu Đức Hinh) in the Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị and the same view today (2 May 2017)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Le Tombeau de Thiệu-Trị: pavillon d'entrée devant le Temple de l'âme, vu de l'intérieur (Cliché Silicé)," BAVH 1939-1, and Hồng Trạch Môn gate and Hữu Phối Điện in Emperor Thiệu Trị's Xương Mausoleum today (6 May 2018)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Tombeau de Thieu-Tri - Cour d'honneur" in the colonial era and the same view of Emperor Thiệu Trị's Xương Lăng today (20 January 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - "Vases d'ornement au Tombeau de Thieu-Tri" and the same view today of the yet-to-be-restored Hồng Trạch Gate (Hồng Trạch Môn) in the temple area of the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (15 March 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - "Tombeau Thieu-Tri - Cour d'honneur" - late colonial era photo taken from the Salutation Court of the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of third Nguyễn dynasty Emperor Thiệu Trị (1840-1847); and the same view today (August 2018)
Tim Doling: Huế - A 1930s view of the bronze ceremonial gateway, moon-shaped lake and screen in front of the Temple Area at the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (1840-1847); and the same view today (8 December 2018)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huê - Tombeau de Thiêu-Tri, Temple de la Lumière" in the 1930s, and the same location today, looking towards the ruined Lầu Đức Hinh pavilion at the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (1840-1847) (5 February 2019)
Tim Doling: Huế - "Tombeau de la mère du roi Thieu-Tri en 1907," and the Lăng Hiếu Đông in Làng Cư Chánh, Xã Thủy Bằng, Huyện Hương Thủy, last resting place of Queen Tá Thiên Nhân, wife of Minh Mạng and mother of Thiệu Trị (6 April 2016)
Tim Doling: "Huế - A colonial image of the lost Đức Hinh Pavilion (Lầu Đức Hinh) in the Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị and the same view today, fusion image (3 March 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Environs de Hué, 1930 – Tombeau de Thieu-Tri" (Fonds Morin-Edmond) and the same view today looking across the Nhuận Thúy Lake (Hồ Nhuận Thúy) towards the Tomb Enclosure in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (24 July 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Tombeau de Thieu-Tri - Pagode de Culte" in the early 20th century, and the same view today at the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (1840-1847) (31 August 2019)
Tim Doling: Environs de Hué, 1930 – Tombeau de Thieu-Tri (Fonds Morin-Edmond), and the Biểu Đức Temple (Điện Biểu Đức) today in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (16 October 2019)
Tim Doling: "Huế - Pagode près du Tombeau d'un empereur d'Annam," and the same view today of the Hồng Trạch Gate (Hồng Trạch Môn), which stands at the entrance to the temple area in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (13 November 2019)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Pagode au tombeau de Thieu-Tri" in the colonial era, and the foundations of the ruined Đức Hinh Pavilion in the Thiệu Trị Mausoleum today (8 January 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Près Hué - Au tombeau de Thiêu-Tri" by A Salles, and the same view today from the Salutation Court (Bái Đình) of the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (18 January 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Tombeau de la mère du roi Thieu-Tri en 1907," and the same view today of the Lăng Hiếu Đông, last resting place of Tá Thiên Nhân Hoàng Hậu (Hồ Thị Hoa), wife of Emperor Minh Mạng and mother of Emperor Thiệu Trị (8 February 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Une colonne commemorative au tombeau de Thieu-Tri," and one of the two large stone obelisks which stand either side of the ruined Đức Hinh Pavilion in the Xương Lăng mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị today (4 February 2020)
Tim Doling: Environs de Hué, 1930 – Tombeau de Thieu-Tri (Fonds Morin-Edmond), and the main Biểu Đức Temple today in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (12 March 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Pavillon de la stèle, Tombeau de l'empereur Thiệu Trị," and the same view today of the Stele House (Bi Đình) in the Tomb Area of the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (23 April 2020)
Tim Doling: Huế - Porte du Temple de l'âme, au tombeau de Thiệu-Trị (Cliché G.G.), from Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Huế, 1931-1, and the Hồng Trạch Môn stairway to the Temple Area of the Xương Lăng mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị today (25 April 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Près Huế - Au tombeau de Thiêu-Tri - Mandarins civils," BAVH, 1939-1, and mandarin statues today in the salutation court of the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị today (5 August 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Au Tombeau de Thiệu-Trị: porte de l'enceinte de la tombe (Cliché Tôn Thất Dung), BAVH 1939, and the same view today of the tomb enclosure in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (11 November 2020)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế - Entrée des jardins entourant le tombeau de l'Empereur Thiệu-Trị, près de Huế," and the view today looking across the lake towards the tomb area in the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (18 November 2020)
Tim Doling: Annam - Huế - Portique devant le temple de la tablette, au tombeau de Thiệu-Trị (cliché C Bernard), BAVH 1916, and the same view today of the temple area at the Xương Lăng Mausoleum of Emperor Thiệu Trị (26 June 2021)
Tim Doling: "Annam - Huế, 1920-1929 - Tombeau de Thiêu Trị: l'Écran," and the same view view from across the Nhuận Trạch Lake today (22 May 2021)