Tim Doling: Saigon - Ethnic groups in costume line up in front of the 1905 Contrôle financier building at 12 boulevard Norodom during 14 July celebrations in the late colonial period, and the same view today of the abandoned "Lavenue Crowne" site (21 May 2018)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The National Statistics Institute at 29 Hàn Thuyên in the 1960s (photographer unknown) and the HCMC Department of Statistics at the same address today (3 August 2014)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Villa at 41 Lê Duẩn pictured before its demolition in around 2010 (photographer unknown) and the same location today (7 October 2014)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Air-France office in the former Hôtel du Controleur financier building at 12 boulevard Norodom in the 1950s and the “Lavenue Crown” site at 12 Lê Duẩn which has remained empty since the old building was demolished in 2011 (28 October 2014)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Madame Nhu and her entourage inspect the damage after the 27 February 1962 bombing of the old Norodom Palace. It was subsequently demolished to make way for the current Independence Palace (30 July 2014)
Tim Doling: Saigon 24 December 1945 - French General Leclerc reviews the imminently departing British Indian troops on boulevard Norodom, and the same view of Lê Duẩn boulevard today (26 April 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon 24 December 1945 - French General Leclerc reviews the imminently departing British Indian troops on boulevard Norodom, and the same view of Lê Duẩn boulevard today (5 May 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The Hồ Chí Minh Campaign Museum at 2 Lê Duẩn in 2003, housed in Louis Chauchon's art deco Foyer du Soldat et du Marin building, and the same view today (17 November 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Constructing the rue de l'Imperatrice (later rue MacMahon) in front of the Palais du Gouvernement-Général in the 1870s, and the same view of Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa street from the grounds of the Unification Palace today (9 January 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Inside the gatehouse of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the early 20th century and the same building today (9 February 2017)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The 11th Colonial Infantry march the flag along Norodom boulevard in front of their barracks in the early 20th century and the same section of Lê Duẩn boulevard today (19 September 2014)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Rear views of the Cathedral in the late colonial period and today (10 March 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - side views of the Cathedral in the early 20th century and today (7 May 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Cercle des officiers, pictured soon after completion in 1878, showing the Cathedral construction site and the Palace of the Government in the background; and the same view looking along Lê Duẩn boulevard today ( 8 July 2016)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The Cercle des officiers (1876) on boulevard Norodom in the early 20th century and the District 1 People's Committee building at 47 Lê Duẩn today (4 November 2014)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The Cercle des officiers (1876) on boulevard Norodom in 1929 and the District 1 People's Committee building at 47 Lê Duẩn today (26 November 2014)
Tim Doling: "Saigon - Le Temple protestant" on boulevard Norodom in the colonial period, and the same building, now part of the District 1 Cultural Centre, viewed from Lê Duẩn boulevard today (7 July 2016)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Đinh Tiên Hoàng street looking towards the junction with Thống Nhất in the 1960s (photographer unknown), Lê Duẩn today, with an old French 11th colonial infantry barracks gatehouse building visible in the distance in both images (8 April 2017)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The main gate of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the early 1900s and the same view of the Lê Duẩn-Đinh Tiên Hoàng intersection today, fusion of image (7 May 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The main gate of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the early 1900s and the same view of the Lê Duẩn-Đinh Tiên Hoàng intersection today (10 June 2016)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The main gate of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the colonial era and the same view of the Lê Duẩn-Đinh Tiên Hoàng intersection today (16 January 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The main gate of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the early 1900s and the same view of the Lê Duẩn-Đinh Tiên Hoàng intersection today (20 February 2016)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The main gate of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the colonial era and the same view of the Lê Duẩn-Đinh Tiên Hoàng intersection today (16 June 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - The main gate of the 11th Colonial Infantry Barracks in the early 1900s and the same view of the Lê Duẩn-Đinh Tiên Hoàng intersection today (9 May 2015)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Conseil de guerre de Saigon on boulevard Norodom in the colonial era (photographer unknown), a military courthouse charged with "hearing and judging all military offences," and the US Consulate at 4 Lê Duẩn today (21 March 2017)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Conseil de guerre de Saigon on boulevard Norodom in the colonial era (photographer unknown), a military courthouse charged with "hearing and judging all military offences," and the US Consulate at 4 Lê Duẩn today (17 January 2017)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Conseil de guerre de Saigon on boulevard Norodom in the colonial era (photographer unknown), a military courthouse charged with "hearing and judging all military offences," and the US Consulate at 4 Lê Duẩn today (22 April 2017)
Tim Doling: Saigon - "Défilé militaire le 14 juillet 1947" in front of the Établissements Jean-Comte and the same location today in front of the Diamond Plaza (21 April 2017)
Tim Doling: Saigon - Louis Chauchon's art deco Foyer du Soldat et du Marin in the 1940s, now the Hồ Chí Minh Campaign Museum at 2 Lê Duẩn (7 December 2017)
Tim Doling: "Saigon 30 April 1975 - A North Vietnamese tank enters the Presidential Palace in Saigon (Vietnam)" by Francoise de Mulder/CORBIS, and minibuses bringing foreign tourists through the same gates today (30 April 2015)