Pixelchen1: in the Mountain - Acryl DSCN5318-1
Pixelchen1: at the Water - Acryl DSCN5324-1
Pixelchen1: Flying coffee - cup - Acryl DSCN0276
Pixelchen1: Happy Valentine´s Day DSCN5203-2
Pixelchen1: Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling ♡ ~~ journing for spring ~~ a quickly look with the Handy -camera :)
Pixelchen1: Handy -Spielerei "modern -Art "
Pixelchen1: to learn ? why ?? DSCN4488
Pixelchen1: Art and painting by me ♡ " a view over the field " - Aquarell -
Pixelchen1: light painting :) RSCN4709-1
Pixelchen1: DSCN4277
Pixelchen1: learning by doingDSCN3849-1
Pixelchen1: Vorfreude auf Ostern -- Anticipation of Easter DSCN5361-1
Pixelchen1: good night / gute Nacht
Pixelchen1: Happy Easter to all ! DSCN5837-1-2
Pixelchen1: the first gift to me from my grandchild and ❤ I love it ❤
Pixelchen1: rainbow of life colors DSC_0224-1-2
Pixelchen1: I want to live in a blue world
Pixelchen1: bloody roseDSCN3794-1
Pixelchen1: Sommernachtstraum ?/Summer night dream ?
Pixelchen1: Café or Tea ?
Pixelchen1: Flowers and leaves / Blumen und Blätter
Pixelchen1: Geld regiert die Welt !/Money makes the world go round !
Pixelchen1: shining red
Pixelchen1: out of order ! I love computer ! ( pic 2 )
Pixelchen1: Es war mir eine Freude / It was a pleasure for me! ( pic 1)
Pixelchen1: Some times I feel like an Angel :) /// Manchmal fühle ich mich wie ein Engel :)( pic 3 - the last )
Pixelchen1: Long time exposure - HDR when the sky is full of clouds :( and no stars to see🌟
Pixelchen1: My Daddy's 80 Birthday ♡ and this is his gift in 4 steps . And YES- it was Toilett-paper !!! 😄 a great Birthday cake 🎂 pic. 2
Pixelchen1: Birthday present 💓 pic 1
Pixelchen1: Small medical care ///////kleine medizinische Versorgung