John Cocanower: Passing pedestrians (untitled, P1680029)
John Cocanower: Passing bus with pedestrians (untitled, P1650826)
John Cocanower: Pedestrians with shadow (untitled, P1620679)
John Cocanower: Church with pedestrians (untitled, P1610329)
John Cocanower: Passing pedestrians (untitled, P1600492)
John Cocanower: Passing pedestrians (untitled, P1580175)
John Cocanower: Damp sidewalk (untitled, P1550054)
John Cocanower: Alley with pedestrian (untitled, P1540125)
John Cocanower: Empty sidewalk (untitled, P1530071)
John Cocanower: Christmas decorations (untitled, P1500340)
John Cocanower: Stop sign with green reflection (untitled, P1490474)
John Cocanower: Empty sidewalk with decorations (untitled, P1480250)
John Cocanower: Artistic sign with shadow (untitled, P1460296)
John Cocanower: Artistic sign with streetlight (untitled, P1460288)
John Cocanower: Street scene at night (untitled, P1460228)
John Cocanower: Street scene, evening (untitled, P1410582)
John Cocanower: Street scene, evening (untitled, P1370981)
John Cocanower: Illuminated exterior (untitled, P1350192)
John Cocanower: Exterior with reflection (untitled, P1350178)
John Cocanower: Passing pedestrians (untitled, P1350051)
John Cocanower: Exterior with pedestrians (untitled, P1340953)
John Cocanower: Illuminated exterior (untitled, P1330908)
John Cocanower: Statue with traffic (untitled, P1330658)
John Cocanower: Marquee with pedestrians (untitled, P1330583)
John Cocanower: Passing advertising truck (untitled, P1320700)
John Cocanower: Pedestrians with shadow (untitled, P1320123)
John Cocanower: Pedestrians with tower (untitled, P1300932)
John Cocanower: Construction fence with glow (untitled, P1300759)
John Cocanower: Passing pedestrians (untitled, P1300721)
John Cocanower: Illuminated ceiling with crowd (untitled, IMG_0132)