D-H L: Station #1191 27.11.2023 - 01.03.2024
D-H L: BirdNET AI voice recordings - Station#1191 Ladenburg
D-H L: Video: Eurasian jay - Mocking the sound of a Buzzard
D-H L: Star Carsten Ambros
D-H L: Gebirgsstelze
D-H L: Stiglitz Bergfink Grünling
D-H L: Rotkehlchen / Robin
D-H L: European Robin / Rotkehlchen
D-H L: Wintergoldhähnchen
D-H L: Nilgans / Egyptian goose
D-H L: Alcedo atthis | Kingfisher | Eisvogel
D-H L: Rotmilan / red kite assembly
D-H L: Rotmilan / red kite assembly
D-H L: Rotmilan / red kite assembly
D-H L: Hubbell-Plot
D-H L: Apiary | AI BirdNET voice observations | day 1
D-H L: Apiary | AI BirdNET voice observations | day 2
D-H L: Settlement Edge | AI BirdNET voice observations | 24.09.-27.09.2023
D-H L: Settelement Edge | AI BirdNET voice observations | 24.09.-27.09.2023
D-H L: Nebelkrähe / hooded crow recording near Ladenburg
D-H L: Apiary | AI BirdNET voice observations | 24.09.-27.09.2023
D-H L: BirdWeather Station, Ladenburg
D-H L: BirdWeather Station, Ladenburg
D-H L: BirdWeather Station, Ladenburg
D-H L: Bird AI block diagram
D-H L: Polistes nest blocking AI micro.jpg
D-H L: Polistes nest blocking AI micro
D-H L: Hooded Crow RK type hybrid 16.03.2024
D-H L: Hooded Crow mass-registrations 16.03.24 um 21.55
D-H L: Nebelkrähe in Ladenburg 16.3.24