William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
NGC 7822- My first full narrowband tricolor
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
Eastern Veil
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
NGC 744
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
Soul Nebula- narrowband palettes
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
The Pacman Nebula-2022
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
NGC 896 and 1795
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
IC 1396
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
Sadr Region
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
Messier 27- wide
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
The Eastern Veil
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
The Western Veil
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
The Western Veil- 3 panel
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
The Bubble Nebula
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
IC 1396
William Maxwell- Astrophotography:
The California Nebula