William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Crescent Moon-June 24 2020
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: The Sea of Showers, Copernicus Crater, and the lunar Apennine Mountians
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Moon- first quarter 9 panel mosaic 2021
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Lunar Sunrise (try 2)
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Schiller to Gassendi Crater
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Crescent Moon- March 2021
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Kepler Crater and The Ocean of Storms
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Montes Apenninus 2021
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Moon from the Shadows
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Moon-first half 2021
William Maxwell- Astrophotography: Moon- first run with my DIY equitorial platform