maxleonalbrecht: Birds in the sunset
maxleonalbrecht: Art at DZ-Bank - Platz der Republik
maxleonalbrecht: Skyscrapers cutting clouds (3/3)
maxleonalbrecht: Looking towards Frankfurt from the Offenbacher Schleuse
maxleonalbrecht: Birds over water at the Offenbacher Schleuse
maxleonalbrecht: Looking towards Frankfurt from the Offenbacher Schleuse.
maxleonalbrecht: Skyline Platz in front of the skyline
maxleonalbrecht: The newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in the evening sun
maxleonalbrecht: Neon lights
maxleonalbrecht: Inequality
maxleonalbrecht: Skyscrapers cutting clouds (2/3)
maxleonalbrecht: The old "Polizeipräsidium" of the city of Frankfurt am Main
maxleonalbrecht: Skyscrapers cutting clouds (1/3)
maxleonalbrecht: Eschenheimer Tor in the evening sun
maxleonalbrecht: Offenbacher Schleuse doing its job
maxleonalbrecht: Industry, People, Planes. That is Rhein/Main
maxleonalbrecht: Contrasts
maxleonalbrecht: Empty streets
maxleonalbrecht: Trains are sleepy