Cornywall: I know it's your seat but it's so sunny
Cornywall: Cafe culture. Dave watching the world go by
Cornywall: Full speed
Cornywall: Dave and Lara in British Legion Poppy collars
Cornywall: The beach party
Cornywall: Lara doing her famous Otter impression
Cornywall: Lara loves surfing
Cornywall: The meet and greet
Cornywall: Two gentlemen at their ease
Cornywall: Watching
Cornywall: Blend with my beach
Cornywall: Look, I won, I won
Cornywall: We need a hair cut.. But perhaps not today
Cornywall: Lara doing her famous Otter impression
Cornywall: le petite guard
Cornywall: New Olympic sport - Synchronised lying down
Cornywall: Beauty and two beasts
Cornywall: Pure Joy
Cornywall: Toby the dog model
Cornywall: Queen of all she surveys
Cornywall: They have a bed each but always shareπŸ˜‚
Cornywall: Nothing stops Lara chasing her ball
Cornywall: If only we could be as happy with just a ball and sand beneath our toes
Cornywall: Not the best at hide and seek!πŸ˜‚
Cornywall: Almost missed National Dog (fast asleep) day
Cornywall: Don't leave me