tellen24: Hi Susie.
tellen24: Peeking
tellen24: Hi Spencer.
tellen24: Soooo many people!
tellen24: Cori, Susie, Spencer
tellen24: Chaun
tellen24: Susie
tellen24: Cori
tellen24: Where to next, Ladies!
tellen24: Cori, Susie, Spencer
tellen24: Spencer
tellen24: That Damn Tilted Duster!
tellen24: Say cheese, please
tellen24: Cheesy for the camera!
tellen24: Oooh, Everyone look at this!
tellen24: Texting
tellen24: Suzanne and Justina
tellen24: Cori, Chaun
tellen24: Cori and Chaun
tellen24: Soo, what aisle are you guys on?
tellen24: Chaun Justina Abby Susie
tellen24: Break time
tellen24: Cori and Rowan
tellen24: Break time
tellen24: Lunch is over!
tellen24: Let's go!
tellen24: Lunch is over!