Filip Sandlöv:
Crowded top of Sweden
Filip Sandlöv:
Start of a new adventure in Kebnekaise, years of planing
Filip Sandlöv:
Tarfalavagge Sweden's perhaps most beutiful place but also the windiest
Filip Sandlöv:
Dropping of Elservice in Tarfala before I got dropped of in Singivagge
Filip Sandlöv:
Darfaljohka and the small gren lake before storglaciären
Filip Sandlöv:
Lots of turbulence as we fly between Tuolpagorni & Singitjåkka the goal for the day
Filip Sandlöv:
Silverfallet (Siellajohka) Singivagge's major obstacle
Filip Sandlöv:
The lake closest to Silverfallet in Singivagge infront of Singipakte
Filip Sandlöv:
Basecamp in Singivagge
Filip Sandlöv:
Huge props to the people whobuilt these massive stonewalls for tents
Filip Sandlöv:
Aiming for Singitjåkka's west peak a risky slope
Filip Sandlöv:
Gaining height fast in steep and loose terrain
Filip Sandlöv:
Finally leaving this steep and uneasy slope behind, View excellent
Filip Sandlöv:
View to the north, Kebnekaise to the right
Filip Sandlöv:
Singitjåkka's long ridge to the east
Filip Sandlöv:
Skartaive & Liddopakte
Filip Sandlöv:
View to the south Gällivare mountains
Filip Sandlöv:
Tjäktjavagge and Tjäktjajohka
Filip Sandlöv:
Tuolpagorni upper parts
Filip Sandlöv:
Top of Vierramvarre with lots o People and cairns
Filip Sandlöv:
Last 700meter on Kebnekaise
Filip Sandlöv:
Kebnekaise South summit
Filip Sandlöv:
Kaskasapakte & Kaskasatjåkka
Filip Sandlöv:
Kuopertjåkka & Drakryggen 2 amazing mountains
Filip Sandlöv:
Nipals & its many peaks around 1850-1874
Filip Sandlöv:
Pyramiden & Tuolpanjunnitjåkka's east peak
Filip Sandlöv:
Stuor Ruskja
Filip Sandlöv:
Sälka 1863m
Filip Sandlöv:
South peak of Sälka has an intresing ridge
Filip Sandlöv:
Sälka's fantastic glacier on the east side is something else