Filip Sandlöv: On our way to Alesjaure
Filip Sandlöv: Apparjaure with Kåtotjåkka and Njuikkostak in the background
Filip Sandlöv: Njuikkostak with the Goduglacier and the colorful lake at 1092
Filip Sandlöv: Waterfall called "Fantomfallet"
Filip Sandlöv: Alesjaure cabins
Filip Sandlöv: Tent set up and we are ready for a summit attempt
Filip Sandlöv: The first summit from our campsite
Filip Sandlöv: After a steep section this flatter section with rocks appear
Filip Sandlöv: This little hidden gem is on the other side of Alesvagge
Filip Sandlöv: Alesätno's beginning and the King's trail
Filip Sandlöv: Norway's Storsteinsfjellet
Filip Sandlöv: Njukkostak and Kåtotjåkka
Filip Sandlöv: Reminds me a bit of Kärkevagge
Filip Sandlöv: Wow moment as the view opens up.
Filip Sandlöv: Little lake in between peak 1678 & 1702
Filip Sandlöv: Repipakte and my father!
Filip Sandlöv: Peak 1702m and 1678m Påssustjåkka
Filip Sandlöv: Standing on the narow ridge with my father and took this shot.
Filip Sandlöv: My father did not enjoy this moment.
Filip Sandlöv: The last 50meters were simply to hard for us. Images doesn't tell the true stories always.
Filip Sandlöv: Påssutjåkka
Filip Sandlöv: View towards Mårma
Filip Sandlöv: South peak of Påssustjåkka and Sielmatjåkka
Filip Sandlöv: On the King's trail you get to see a lot but you miss a loads to.
Filip Sandlöv: Repipakte's north ridge to the smaller peaks. Tjäktjatjåkka, Repitjåkka and Sälka visible
Filip Sandlöv: Alesvagge and the evening sun.
Filip Sandlöv: The Alesätno river and King's trail with small lakes everywhere
Filip Sandlöv: New morning and a rematch against Påssustjåkka
Filip Sandlöv: Unna Vistasvagge
Filip Sandlöv: Påssustjåkka's west summit 1678m