*Jadey*: Vacate is a word, vengeance has no place so near to her, cannot find a comfort In this world....
*Jadey*: You paralyze me every time I try to find some paradise, i've got to fill the void and now i'm paranoid...
*Jadey*: ALMA makeup- Stars Eyeshadow
*Jadey*: I don't think you unworthy... I need a moment to deliberate.....
*Jadey*: Not Found- Gwen Skin (Catwa)
*Jadey*: Lami Tattoo- Carol G
*Jadey*: They point out the colors in you, I see 'em too And, boy, I like 'em....
*Jadey*: #PryceMothersDayTribute
*Jadey*: Found myself in the fire burnt hills in the land of a billion lights...
*Jadey*: Heaven...
*Jadey*: Sisters at heart
*Jadey*: Lawrence D - In a series of Sympathetic Portraits
*Jadey*: 7Prodigy
*Jadey*: I'll bring it back, bring it back, YEAH