derekngill: Foul by name - Beautiful by nature
derekngill: Historic Cape Leeuwin Water Wheel
derekngill: Way past its glory days - old Hamelin Bay Jetty
derekngill: What a stunning entrance!
derekngill: New Holland Honeyeater visiting Gravillea bush
derekngill: The sweeping coastline at Gnarabup beach near Margaret River
derekngill: Collecting nectar from a Pea flower
derekngill: Where the Blackwood river meets the Southern Ocean
derekngill: A beach beyond
derekngill: Yesterday, today and tomorrow - Sunflowers in bloom
derekngill: Water lilies in the Margaret River
derekngill: Red winged Fairy Wren - flighty and difficult to photograph
derekngill: Sunflower under the Western Australian sun
derekngill: Vineyards of the South-West
derekngill: A bright spot on a beautiful beach
derekngill: One sided Bottlebrush
derekngill: This beach rocks!
derekngill: Where two oceans meet.
derekngill: Injidup Beach, Yallingup Western Australia
derekngill: Two inquisitive Brushtail Possums
derekngill: Port Lincoln parrot
derekngill: A very cute Woylie
derekngill: Newly hatched Stink Beetles (unidentified type)
derekngill: White Honey Myrtle (Mellano)
derekngill: Western Grey Kangaroo checking out what the birds are eating.
derekngill: Old flower, new growth
derekngill: Busselton Jetty
derekngill: Lily White
derekngill: Trying hard to blend in with the door mat.
derekngill: How many Possums can you fit in a bird feeder.