EliCubs: Emperor Statue by the Roman Wall
EliCubs: The Roman Wall outside of the Tower of London.
EliCubs: The Tower.
EliCubs: More Tower, with Tower Bridge.
EliCubs: Middle Tower Entryway.
EliCubs: Traitor's Gate
EliCubs: Above Traitor's Gate
EliCubs: Deathplace of Henry VI
EliCubs: Window over Henry VI deathplace
EliCubs: Our Yeoman Guard
EliCubs: Melissa with Tower Bridge
EliCubs: The White Tower (built in the 11th Century, no big deal)
EliCubs: Another guided tour in progress
EliCubs: Weathervane on the White Tower
EliCubs: Clock at the Jewel Tower
EliCubs: Queen's Guard (Intense)
EliCubs: Guarding the Jewels
EliCubs: The Ravens
EliCubs: The Raven's Yard
EliCubs: Eli at the Tower
EliCubs: Eli SMILING at the Tower
EliCubs: The Courtyard between the Jewel Tower and the White Tower
EliCubs: White Tower and the Bridge
EliCubs: Detail on the Bridge
EliCubs: Drinking at the Oxford Arms Pub
EliCubs: Guinness and Strongbow at Oxford Arms Pub
EliCubs: Oxford Arms Pub