J G Reiss: Abandoned Buildings on the Coast of Nova Scotia IMG_3421
J G Reiss: Red, Blue, Yellow & Green
J G Reiss: Pansies
J G Reiss: Dead Wood Patterns. IMG_3606
J G Reiss: Snowbird’s resting place
J G Reiss: A house divided against itself cannot stand…for long.
J G Reiss: A house divided against itself…
J G Reiss: A fixer-upper
J G Reiss: Vintage Barrel IMG_3653
J G Reiss: No. 77
J G Reiss: Maud Lewis, primitive artist Nova Scotia
J G Reiss: Maude Lewis’ Hand Painted Stove
J G Reiss: Ghost of Lobsters Past IMG_3367
J G Reiss: Long and winding... IMG_3950
J G Reiss: Spicer's Cove. IMG_3608