Chirstaphordale: Shot taken from the nugget in Reno nv
Chirstaphordale: DSC_0002
Chirstaphordale: freddies final
Chirstaphordale: freddies anounc 2 jgp
Chirstaphordale: Boss about to drift off
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: Shoot for a friend
Chirstaphordale: DSC_2839 -1
Chirstaphordale: DSC_2838 -1
Chirstaphordale: DSC_2820 -1
Chirstaphordale: Cutest kiss ever
Chirstaphordale: DSC_0751
Chirstaphordale: Spider on a cactus🌵
Chirstaphordale: Day with my daughter