nancy.overholtz: western tanager owens river gorge 9-22-20.3
nancy.overholtz: common tern diaz lake 9-21-20.6
nancy.overholtz: clark's nutcracker owens river gorge 9-22-20.1
nancy.overholtz: arctic tern diaz lake 9-21-20.5
nancy.overholtz: arctic and common tern diaz lake 9-21-20.2
nancy.overholtz: least sandpiper owens lake 8-30-20.1
nancy.overholtz: gray catbird markleeville 8-31-20.2
nancy.overholtz: baird's sandpiper owens lake 8-30-20.4
nancy.overholtz: black-throated gray warbler methesula trail 8-28-20.3
nancy.overholtz: scorpion grandview campground
nancy.overholtz: rufous hummingbird home 8-23-20.3
nancy.overholtz: lark sparrow furnace creek inn 8-25-20.2
nancy.overholtz: bullock's oriole furnace creek inn 8-25-20.5
nancy.overholtz: black-chinned hummingbird home 8-23-20.4
nancy.overholtz: western kingbird diaz lake 8-15-20.3
nancy.overholtz: townsend's solitaire calaveras big trees 8-7-20.1
nancy.overholtz: lesser and greater yellowlegs owens lake 8-15-20.1
nancy.overholtz: pacific wren pi pi campground 7-7-20.3
nancy.overholtz: rufous hummingbird home 7-17-20.3
nancy.overholtz: rufous hummingbird home 7-17-20.2
nancy.overholtz: lewis's woodpecker granite springs road 7-8-20.3
nancy.overholtz: blue dasher billy lake 2
nancy.overholtz: yellow-billed cuckoo billy lake 7-15-20
nancy.overholtz: long-billed curlew mcarthur swamp 6-25-20.4
nancy.overholtz: bank swallow mill creek falls 6-25-20.1
nancy.overholtz: wilson's phalarope goose lake 6-23-20
nancy.overholtz: virginia rail goose lake or 6-23-20
nancy.overholtz: lazuli bunting cucomongo canyon 6-20-20.4
nancy.overholtz: long-billed curlew goose lake causeway 6-23-20.3
nancy.overholtz: long-billed curlew goose lake causeway 6-23-20.2